HebeX Project


The future has arrived and artificial intelligence can find it

the most valuable treasure in the world!

HebeX, Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Genetics

The name of the HebeX project came from the word "Hebe" in classical Greek Ήβη, and refers to the goddess of youth who in Greek mythology, legitimate daughter of Zeus and Hera, had the privilege of eternal youth.

Our artificial intelligence, integrated with an unlimited database, aims to find cures for diseases and uncover the secrets of the aging of human cells, also considered a disease by HebeX.


    Efficiently find substances that are harmful to health, identifying those that cause diseases and then offering the best options for efficient treatments. Integrated into a database with existing solutions in pharmacology, hospital and natural treatments, it will be possible to analyze millions of possibilities, offering more accurate diagnoses in a matter of seconds, paving the way for new discoveries. The discovery of the genetic factor responsible for the aging of human cells will be an inevitable consequence in the evolutionary process of HebeX.



Have you ever imagined what we can do in a year, if we gather all the world's knowledge in one place and calculate millions of possibilities in a matter of seconds?

This is the objective of the HebeX project and for healthcare professionals, this will be a powerful tool for work focused on digital era technologies.


Project stages

Stage 1

Combining existing solutions in pharmacology, hospital and natural treatments, uniting all existing knowledge in the area of health, genetics and nutrition. know more

Stage 2

Cataloging substances that are harmful to the body, identifying those that cause diseases and then finding the best options for alternative treatments. know more

Stage 3

Launch of the HBX application for owner volunteers who will actively participate in the project, providing data flow for the evolution of HebeX. know more

Stage 4

Expansion of HebeX's artificial neural networks and launch of protocolX, which should use user 01(UM) of each blood type for real tests. know more

Stage 5

It will begin after 3 months of real testing on 01(UM) users of at least two blood types, at which point HebeX will have an AI-based cybersecurity system for online access. know more

Stage 6

Opening the use of the application to external users and focusing on identifying the causes of aging and alternatives to delay and reverse the process. know more

The project is currently in the supervised expansion phase of its artificial neural networks, and its operation is targeted only at volunteer owners and active investors, who will play a key role in the project's progress to enable large-scale use for the general public. scheduled for March 2024.



Add information such as age, blood type, eating habits so HebeX can locate your body type and indicate solutions according to the analyzed profile.


When uploading blood tests or images, our AI can perform comparative analysis with database records, processing endless possibilities.


Personalized menu and differentiated diagnosis, all validated by a doctor and nutritionist for the user to make the necessary corrections.


Monitor your health situation, the projection of your biological age and the evolution of the treatments carried out by checking the aging regression or stabilization graphs.

Do you want to follow the processes in full or be part of the project?

Check available internships!

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